
Did You Know?

There is less water available per person in the Okanagan than anywhere else in Canada.

The Okanagan has one of the highest rates of water use per person in Canada.

The second largest use of water in the Okanagan is used on our household lawns & gardens.

The Okanagan is on the front lines of climate change, shifting between flooding and drought, and extreme fire seasons.

As we work to find solutions to these climate events, Make Water Work is aimed at preparing residents with resilient landscapes that can handle wet and dry years, and help ensure a sustainable water supply for our valley.

Ready to test your Okanagan water IQ and find tips to
Make Water Work Smarter in your yard?

Current Okanagan Drought Level

Level 3


Conditions in the Okanagan are changing quickly.

Cooler temperatures and rain in May and June have given way to hot, dry conditions in July. Stream flows are dropping and water temperatures are increasing. In reviewing these conditions and the expected forecast for continued hot, dry weather, the Government of B.C. has moved the Okanagan up to Drought Level 3 – Severely Dry. It is important to follow water restrictions in your neighbourhood. These will vary depending on each water utility’s water supply conditions. Find yours by clicking on the “Water Restrictions” button at the top of the page.

If you water your yard… make water work smarter!


There are many beautiful plants that thrive in our dry climate! For a full list, check here!


Find water restrictions specific to your utility.